Watch out for counterfeits

Make sure the products you buy are CE approved
It has been uncovered and proven that products that could be confused with our products have been imported for sale in the market for several years. Among other things, this has resulted in the copying of our CE-related documents, which have then been incorrectly utilised for the sale of copies. These are products where the seller, despite requests, does not present CE certified and there are no tests for fire, environmental or sound-absorbing properties for the products.
False documents are deliberately prepared to sell the products to all types of customers, not least to municipalities and major tenders. The products are largely sold to, for example, kindergartens and schools.
This involves large quantities of unauthorised products and millions in sales, so many people have been affected.
If you suspect or have reason to believe that you have been tricked into buying products that are not CE approved please contact us for more information.
In any case, documentation of certification must be presented before ordering. Make sure that the documentation provided actually applies to the product you intend to order.
Rule of thumb when shopping!
Always ask for the following documentation:
- Noise cancelling properties, documented effect.
- Fire properties, documented that it is not flammable.
- Environmental certification, documented that it has no hazardous emissions or content.
- Valid CE certificate.
- Data sheet that describes the product thoroughly.